Dean Search

Dean Search

Applications have been received for our next Cathedral Dean and the Search Committee is now proceeding through the interview phases.

The Search Committee is moving forward now with Phase 2, more formal interviews on Zoom.

For questions about open clergy positions in the Partnership Dioceses of WNY and NWPA, contact Canon Craig Dressler, transition officer

A Message From the Search Committee Chair

For the members of the St. Paul’s Cathedral Search Committee, the week of February 18 has been one of both challenge and accomplishment. The challenge lay in selecting from among a field of 12 candidates to discern who should be considered for the formal interview phase of the search. Interestingly, there was unanimous agreement among all members as to the candidates whom everyone felt should continue on to the Phase 2 round of interviews. Clearly, there was a sense of the hand of God at work within us. I am happy to say that we are confident that, among the fine candidates whom we will interview in greater depth, one person will emerge as the next Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral. We look forward to this next phase with a sense of great anticipation.

Faithfully Yours,
Evelyn Smigelsky


Dean Search Committee was appointed by the Vestry to begin January 1. The committee completed the profile with the Office of Transition Ministry January 15, incorporating previous work of the congregation and Vestry. The application period began and this phase of the process was completed February 14. Phase 1 interviews were held with all 12 applicants. The Search committee was unanimous in their selections for the next step and now continues in the second phase of the interview process. It is our hope and intent to announce the Dean selection in the Easter season and for the transition to be complete this summer.


The Search Committee is discerning with a diverse pool of candidates, offering a variety of gifts. The Search Committee continues to focus on the discerned needs of the Cathedral and priority areas for ministry.

Interview Phase 1

Exploratory Zoom conversations with each applicant and members of the Search Committee have now been completed.

Interview Phase 2

Formal interviews, on Zoom, are now in process. Once these interviews are complete, the Search Committee will select up to two finalists to move to the next phase.

Interview Phase 3

For the final interview phase, candidates will be invited along with their spouses/family (if applicable) to have in-person interviews and explore the Buffalo region as a potential home for their next call. We anticipate visitations will take place in March.


The Search Committee will select the top candidate and will recommend this person to the Vestry. If approved by the Vestry, the candidate will be presented to Bishop Sean Rowe for final approval. Once approved by the Bishop, the offer will be extended to the candidate.

Eastertide 2024

Working in conjunction with the Dean-elect, a communication plan will be created and announcements made at the Cathedral and at the congregation the Dean-elect is leaving.


As the Cathedral community, let us continue to pray for the candidates, Search Committee, Vestry, and the whole congregation in this important time of call and transition.

For Those With Whom We Are Discerning
Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who of your divine providence has appointed various orders in your Church: Give your grace, we humbly pray, to all who are discerning a call to serve as Dean of this Cathedral; and so fill them with the truth of your doctrine and clothe them with holiness of life, that they may faithfully serve you, to the glory of your great Name and for the benefit of your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

For the Search Committee and Vestry
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Dean for this Cathedral that we may receive a faithful priest who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Phone Number

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8 am-5 pm

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© 2023 Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. All Rights Reserved. • Site Photos by Joe George • Website by Jonathon Kabalan

© 2023 Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. All Rights Reserved. • Site Photos by Joe George • Website by Jonathon Kabalan

© 2023 Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. All Rights Reserved. • Site Photos by Joe George • Website by Jonathon Kabalan