Our Cathedral

Our Cathedral

There are moments which collectively paint a picture of the Cathedral as a thriving and welcoming community, making positive strides to foster spiritual growth, community outreach, and musical enrichment.

In the past year, this has included:

Significant restoration and transformation of the organ, as we look to celebrate the 200th anniversary of pipe organs at the cathedral in 2025

A Godly Play initiative and increased resources for young families, making the church a nurturing space for both spiritual and educational growth, and the Cathedral a resource for churches in the region

Outreach efforts showcasing a commitment to community engagement and making a positive impact beyond the church walls

As a community, we strive to demonstrate inclusivity and compassion with people who enter for worship and support, neighbors we encounter, and those from other congregations, and partners across the city. 

The church is a place for everyone. We offer a variety of ministries and ways for people to be involved, with opportunities to engage a little or a lot – in worship, learning, and service.

© 2023 Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. All Rights Reserved. • Site Photos by Joe George • Website by Jonathon Kabalan